Fixed assets >  Processes >  Status of contexts  

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This function presents, in a synthetic way, the situation of each company context in relation to the calculation and the accounting interface, concessions when they are managed; it also indicates, for each one of them, if the context is eligible for provisional flows generation andor closure. A color code is used to have a quick overview of the situation.

A secondary window, which can be accessed via button SAISTACPY_01.jpg, details the reasons why a context is not eligible for a provisional flow generation or for a closing by displaying a report showing all the criteria that can constitute blocking points.

This function, accessible from the menu Fixed assets / Processings, can also be called, by right-clicking the table displaying the list of companies, in the functions:
- of management of Contexts,
- of processing of Calculation,
- of processing of Provisional flows generation,
- of processing of Closing.

SEEINFO The maximum number of authorized assets per license is also displayed in this function, as well as the total number of assets managed in the solution, and the number of assets managed in the folder.
The number of assets managed in the company is displayed in the secondary window.


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Screen management

Entry screen


This screen consists of:

  • A main window displaying, in a table, a list of the contexts defined for each managed company.
  • A main window called by via button SAISTACPY_01.jpg from the line of a context; it displays the detail of the information displayed in the main window.





The following fields are present on this tab :


The Identification Code for the company.

  • Context (field CNX)

This field displays the title of the depreciation context.
The background color of the field indicates the context situation concerning the closure and the provisional flow generation:
- Green: the flows can be generated (or they are not managed by the context plans) and the closure can be requested
- Yellow: the flows can be generated but the closure cannot be requested, or vice versa.
- White: the flows cannot be generated (or they are not managed by the context plans) and the closure cannot be requested.

  • field ICOINFO

This field includes a button on which the user can double-click to display the Detailed Status window in the company context.

  • Period start (field PERSTRDAT)

This field contains the current period start date of the considered context.

  • Period end (field PERENDDAT)

This field contains the current period end date of the considered context.

  • Inactive (field ICODISAFAS)

The potential existence of inactive assets:
SAISTACPY_03.jpg : there is no inactive asset.
SAISTACPY_02.jpg : there is at least one inactive asset. 

  • Calculated (field ICOCALC)

This field indicates the situation of the current period according to the calculation
SAISTACPY_03.jpg : all the plans of the context are calculated.
SAISTACPY_02.jpg : there is at least one asset on one plan, needing a calculation.

  • Posted (field ICOCPT)

This field displays the posting situation of the current period according to the closure:
SAISTACPY_03.jpg: the context is posted
SAISTACPY_02.jpg: according to the setup (Simulation/Actual posting) and the situation (period/fiscal year closure) there is at least one charge and/or one variance between linked plans and/or a non posted event.

  • Concession (field ICOCCN)

This field specifies the situation for assets in concession and concession contracts on the current period in regard to the closing:
SAISTACPY_03.jpg: the situation is correct

SAISTACPY_04.jpg: there is a non-blocking alert: the details of this situation is given at the level of the Miscellaneous tab of the detailed status.
SAISTACPY_02.jpg: the situation in regard to the concessions is not correct: the details of this situation is given at the level of the Miscellaneous tab of the detailed status.

  • Flow (field FLGFLX)

This field indicates if a generation of the provisional flows can be required for the context.
It is necessary that at least one of the context plans manages the flows and the plans managing the flows have been calculated.
- When it is so, the field appears in green and displays the value Yes.
- When the process cannot be required, the field appears in white and displays the value No.
- when the flows are not managed, the field appears in white.

  • Closing (field FLGCLOT)

This field indicates if a (periodica or financial year) closing can be required for the context.
- When it is so, the field appears in green and displays the value Yes.
- When the closing process cannot be required, the field appears in white and displays the value No.

Block number 2

  • Number of assets granted by the license (field FASMAX)

This field, that cannot be modified, displays the maximum number of authorized assets per license in the solution.

  • Number of assets managed in solution (field FASCNT)

This field, that cannot be modified, displays the total number of assets managed in the solution, except the assets issued by intra-group sale.
This counter is updated:
- at the moment of the first login of the day to one of the solution folders,
- when launching the company mass calculation,
- when launching the closure processing.
It is not updated upon creation of the asset, which explains the discrepancy between the displayed value and the reality of the base.
When the number of managed assets reaches the maximum authorized, a warning message is displayed. When this value is over 5% of the maximum number, the closure and calculation processes are automatically blocked.

SEEINFO The assets with the same reference in several folders are only counted once to enable the folders duplication for testing purposes without any impact on the license.

  • Number of assets managed in folder (field FASDOS)

This field, that cannot be modified, displays the total number of assets managed in the folder, except the assets issued by intra-group sale.
This counter is updated:
- on the first daily connection to the solution folders,
- when launching the company mass calculation,
- when launching the closure process.
It is not updated upon creation of the asset, which explains the discrepancy between the displayed value and the reality of the base.



Main window

This window displays, in a table, a list of the contexts defined for each managed company.
The background color of a context field gives a quick overview of whether the context is eligible for provisional flows generation and closing (these color codes are defined by Presentation styles):
 - Green (Backgreen style): the flows can be generated (or are not managed in the plans of the context) and the closing can be requested.
 - Yellow (Backyellow style): the flows can be generated and the closing cannot be requested, or vice versa. This color can also indicate that the context data contain an error or inconsistency blocking the closing and posting. The reason for this error is specified in the header of the secondary window (detailed status).
For each context, the start and end dates of the current period are shown, and the following items are displayed:

1/ Criteria that can constitute situations blocking the flows generation and the closing:
  • The potential presence of inactive assets:
    SAISTACPY_03.jpg : there is no inactive asset.
    SAISTACPY_02.jpg : there is at least one inactive asset. 
  • The status of the current period with respect to the calculation 
    SAISTACPY_03.jpg :  all the plans of the context and, if applicable, all provisions for renewal are calculated.
    SAISTACPY_02.jpg : there is at least one asset on a plan which needs a calculation or for which the provisions need to be calculated.
  • The posting situation of the current period according to the closing:
    SAISTACPY_03.jpg : the context is posted
    SAISTACPY_02.jpg : the context is postedSAISTACPY_02.jpg: depending on the setup (Simulation/Definitive posting) and on the situation (period/fiscal year closure), there is at least one depreciation charge and/or one variance between plans and/or a non-posted event and/or non-posted provisions(see the eligibility conditions of a context with a period or fiscal year closure below).
  • The situation for assets in concession and concession contracts on the current period in regard to the closing:
    SAISTACPY_03.jpg : the situation is correct
    SAISTACPY_04.jpg : the details of this situation is given at the level of the Miscellaneous tab of the detailed status.
    SAISTACPY_02.jpg : the situation in regard to the concessions does not authorize closing: : the details of this situation is given at the level of the Miscellaneous tab of the detailed status.
2/ The possibility to generate provisional flows:
  • The field is colored green and displays the value 'Yes': provisional flows generation can be requested for the context. 
  • The field is colored white and displays the value 'No': the flows generation processing cannot be carried out (because of one or several criteria indicated above that can trigger a blocking situation).
  • The field is colored white and displays no value: the context manages no flow.
    Reminder of the eligibility conditions of a context for provisional flows generation:
    - At least one plan manages flows
    - All plans managing flows have been calculated.
3/ The possibility to perform a closing:
  • The field is colored green and displays the value 'Yes': the closing can be requested for the context.
  • The field is colored white and displays the value 'No': the closing processing cannot be carried out (because of one or several criteria indicated above that can trigger a blocking situation).
    Reminder of the eligibility conditions of a context for the closing:
    Eligibility to period closing:
    - The company contains no Inactive asset.
    - All the assets have been calculated.
    - All charges and variances between associated plans (if their posting is managed) have been posted if the posting type is 'Actual' (the posting of events is not compulsory for a period closing).
    - The company is not used as source company or target company in an intra-group transfer operation (the Transfer validation processing has not been performed).
    If the value of the parameter ACCPERCTL.htm - Accounting period control is set to 'Yes', the following conditions must be met:
    - the following period (future current period) is open in accounting,
    - the context is synchronous with the accounting,
    - no error or inconsistency has been detected in the context data.
    Eligibility to the fiscal year closing:
    - The company contains no 'Inactive' asset.
    - All the assets have been calculated.
    - All the periods are in Actual posting.
    - All charges, variance between associated plant (if their posting is managed) and events (as a Event type/depreciation plancouple of the context to close) used in the active accounting entries, have been posted on all the periods of the fiscal year.
    - Update 8.0.0 and higher: All assets classified for sale in the fiscal year have been disposed.
    - For the assets disposed in the current fiscal year, there is no amount to be posted on the periods of the next fiscal year if their posting is 'Actual' (the depreciations and variances between plans posted on the next fiscal year before recording the disposal must be reversed).
    - The company is not used as a source or target company for an in-progress operation of intra-group sale (the Sale confirmation processing has not been performed).
    When concessions are managed according to the 'Renewal' method:
    - all Renewing assets in service on the CoA plan have been part of a renewal operation,
    - all renewal operation which renewal date is in the current FY have been validated.
    If the value of the parameter ACCPERCTL.htm - Accounting period control is set to 'Yes', the following conditions must be met:
    - the following period (future current period) is open in accounting,
    - the context is synchronous with the accounting,
    - no error or inconsistency has been detected in the context data.

Assets counter:

At the bottom of the screen, the maximum number of authorized assets per license is indicated as well as the counter for assets managed in the solution and the number of assets managed in the folder.
SEEINFO Assets issued through intra-group transfer are not taken into account and assets that have the same reference in different folders are counted only once.

Secondary window

This window, which be accessed via button  SAISTACPY_01.jpg, displays, for the company, all the criteria that can lead to situations where the flow generation and/or the closing are blocked.

The color code for each criteria is used to quickly visualize the blocking points:
- red: blocking
- yellow: non blocking warning
- green: no blocking

The criteria are distributed on three tabs:

1/ Calculation tab:
  • Displays the modification list of a setup item having an impact on the calculation of the depreciations and requiring the modification of the status of the concerned assets (DEPSTA field) to change it from 'Calculated' to 'For calculation'. 
    In this case, when the number of the assets concerned is superior to the value defined in the parameter DIRUPDTSD - Direct update threshold, the modification of the asset status is not properly carried out upon setup modification. It is stored in the context and pending; it will be applied upon submitting the calculation (instead of being processed via the Pending modifications processing). The number of assets concerned is then displayed.

    The modification type can be:
    - ADP: modification of a parameter
    - ADI: modification of a miscellaneous table
    - DPM: modification of a depreciation mode
    - CNX: modification of a context (the indication of the modified parameter is given in the next field. If the value of this parameter is: 'DESYNC', the modification corresponds to a de-synchronization of the context with regards to the fiscal year/period breakdown performed in the financials module. This control is performed only if the value of the parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control is: 'Yes'. In this case, it is necessary to launch the Context synchronization processing)
  • Indicates the number of assets to be recalculated on each context plan.
    Click on Detail from the Actions icon to display a log file presenting the list of the assets concerned.
    : the detailed window of the fiscal year or period depreciation plan of a given asset displays its situation with regards to the calculation.
  • Indicates, when concessions for renewal are managed, the number of provisions for renewal that have not been calculated.
    Click on Detail from the Actions icon to display a log file presenting the list of the assets concerned.
2/ Posting tab:
  • Used as a reminder, in the header, of the period status:
    - Period closing. In that case, a green light is used to check if the period is in actual posting (compulsory condition in the period losing realization).
    - FY closing (and period closing - last period). In this case, two lights are used to check if all periods are in actual posting and if all charges and/or variances between plans are saved on the following fiscal year, for the assets issued in the current fiscal year, have been reversed (essential condition to make the fiscal year closure).
  • Displays the list of events that have not been posted on the fiscal year yet.
    The Detail right-click option displays a log file with the list of objects concerned for each entry type/event type couple.
  • Present for each concerned plan, when the posting type is Actual:
    - the number of non posted charges in the period,
    - the number of non posted charges in all the periods of the fiscal year when it is the fiscal year last period, i.e. a fiscal year closing.
    Click on Detail from the Actions icon to display a log file presenting the list of the assets concerned.
  • Displays, for each associated plan, the number of variances between non-posted plans on the period or the FY. This information is subject to the LNK – Variances between plans activity code.
    Click on Detail from the Actions icon to display a log file presenting the list of the assets concerned.

    Note: the list of the 'Posted' amounts and of those that remain 'To be posted' for a given asset is displayed in the Posting tab of the detailed window of the period depreciation plan.
  • Indicates, when concessions for renewal are managed, the number of provisions for renewal that have not been posted.
    Click on Detail from the Actions icon to display a log file presenting the list of the assets concerned.
3/ Tab Miscellaneous:
  • Displays the list of pending Intra-group sales operations for the company.
  • If concessions are managed, the following items are displayed:
    - the number of renewing assets that have not been part of the renewal operation,
    - the number of assets in one or several renewal operations that have not be validated,
    - the number of expired contracts in the FY and number of contracts for which no end has been entered.
    Click on Detail from the Actions icon to display a log file with either the list of assets concerned or the list of contracts concerned, depending on the case.
  • Displays a list of inactive assets (table limited to 999 lines).
    Click on Detail from the Actions icon to display a log file also presenting the complete list of assets concerned.
  • Update 8.0.0 and higher: Displays a list of assets classified for sale (table limited to 999 lines).
    Click on Detail from the Actions icon to display a log file also presenting the complete list of assets concerned, with the classification date.

If there is an error or inconsistency in the context data (the context field in the main window has a yellow background), the reason for the error is displayed in the header.

Specific Buttons

This button is used to refresh the information contained in the window.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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